How I Made This Web Site

This is my personal website which you happen to be looking at. It is a static site authored with plaintext and generated by the static site generator hugo.

Written with markdown, generated by hugo, styled by bootstrap and hosted by github! You can’t beat this.

Plain Text and Markdown

My primary goal with a website framework was the ability to edit content with my favorite text editor emacs! Markdown, happens to be a very light weight, yet powerfull formatting tool that also reads well with plain text.

Hugo Generates HTML5

Hugo is a static wesite generator that converts the content I write in markdown to the beautiful web pages you are reading now.

Styled with Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a modern, reactive SCSS based website style frame work. It allows even a non-designer like me to produce pretty good looking websites out of the gate.

Hosted by Github Pages

Github Pages is a very quick and easy way to integrate the content of this website into the corresponding public HTML5 site you can see.

TODO - put a screen shot here…